明德立人提示:美国留学申请的过程就是一个不断否定自己,不断超越自己,最终肯定自己的过程.这个过程很漫长,它经历了长达一年甚至更久的时间,有每天图书馆背GRE单词的寂寞背影,有一战,二战的烦躁情绪,有收到dream school拒绝的懊恼心情,很多很多的苦涩汇聚了一条并不宽广的路.但是更多的,是怀揣了美国梦的希望的喜悦与期待,对未来幻想的美好憧憬,收到心仪Offer那一刻的尘埃落定.既然选择了前方,就要风雨兼程,哪怕前方泥路崎岖,困难重重。
1. E-mail is forever. Once you send it off, you can't get it back. Once your professor has it, he or she owns it and can save it or, in the worst case, forward it onto colleagues for a good laugh—at your expense.
2. E-mail goes where it's told. Check—and double check—to see that the right address appears in the "To" line. Just because your mom and your professor are both named "Lynn" is no reason to send all your love to Professor Lynn.
3. Professors might not be using the cruddy university e-mail system. So send it to the address they actually use, not the one on the university directory. (Check the syllabus or assignment sheet for clues.)
4. Professors might not open mail sent from luckydogpig@thepound.com. They prefer to open mail sent from more reputable addresses, like you@theCruddyUniversityE-mailSystem.edu.
5. Subject lines are for subjects. Put a brief explanation of the nature of the e-mail (like "question about paper") in the subject line. Never include demands such as "urgent request—immediate response needed." That's the surest way to get your request trashed.
6. Salutations matter. The safest way to start is with "Dear Professor So and So" (using their last name). That way you won't be getting into the issue of whether the Prof has a Ph.D. or not, and you won't seem sexist when you address your female-professor as "Ms." or, worse yet, "Mrs. This and That."
7. Clear and concise is best. Your Prof might get 25 or 30 E-mails a day, so, it's best if you ask your questions in as focused and succinct a way as possible. (Hint: it's often good to number your questions). And, if your question is very elaborate or multifaceted, it's best to go to an in-person office hour. You'll get better service that way.
8. Always acknowledge. If your professor deigns to answer—or send you the handout or reference that you asked for—be sure to tell him or her that you got it. That way he or she will think kindly of you next time they see you in class.
9. THIS IS NOT A SHOUTING MATCH. Don't write in all uppercase letters, which is an E-mail convention for anger or other strong emotions. No one likes yelling.
10. No one really likes emoticons and smileys. Trust us on this one. :)
11. This is not Facebook. Don't write the professor in the way you'd write on your friend's wall.
12. This is not IM-ing. So pls dun wrte yor profeSR lIk ur txtN. uz abbrz @ yor own rsk. coRec me f Im wrng.
13. This is not College Humor. Resist the temptation to talk about the "bad ass" paper you need help with, your "loser" TA who didn't teach you what you needed to know, or the "crappy" grade you just got on the midterm.
14. This is not RateMyProfessors.com. The professor doesn't want your comments about his or her performance in the class. Save those for the end-of-semester evaluations, where you'll be able to spout off. Anonymously.
15. Spelling mistakes make you look like a doofus. So always use the spel check, and proofread your e-mail, two
16. Signoffs and signatures count. Always end by thanking the professor for his or her time, and closing with "Best wishes" or "Regards" (or some other relatively formal, but friendly, closing). And always sign with your (entire) real name, not some wacky nickname like Ry-Ry or Biff.
最后的签名很重要。每封邮件最后都要感谢教授抽出时间来帮助你,并以“Best Wishes、Regards”来结尾。(或者其他相关的正式语,但是要用友好的语气。)然后签上你的全名,而不是什么昵称,就像Ry-Ry 或者 Biff。
17. Your prof doesn't want to hear your philosophy of life. Skip the cute quotes or statements of your religious or political views at the bottom of your E-mail. You never know what offends.
18. Don't lay it on too thick. It's one thing to be polite and friendly in your e-mail; it's another thing to wind up with a brown nose.